To keep patients healthy, children under 12 may not visit inpatient areas and waiting rooms at UNC Hospitals. This will be effective on Monday, January 8th. All visitors are being asked not to visit UNC Hospitals or UNC clinics if they have a fever AND any of the following symptoms: cough, runny nose/nasal congestion, or… Read More →
NEW 17P & Tobacco Cessation Materials
CMIH has developed NEW 17P and Tobacco Cessation Patient & Provider Materials.
The Center’s Spring Newsletter
Spring was a very productive and busy time for the Center. We are pleased to share an update about our work, including a spotlight on two of the families that we have served.
UNC Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Clinic Partners Spring Meeting
We hope you will make plans to join us at the next UNC Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Clinic Partners Biannual Communication Meeting UNC Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Clinic Partners Biannual Communication Meeting Wednesday, April 18, 2018 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. NC Women’s Hospital Curnen Denny Conference Room, Ground Floor 101 Manning Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7181 5:30… Read More →
NEW Speaker Series: “Intimate Partner Violence: A Health Issue”
A new lunchtime lecture series sponsored by the UNC Beacon Program. Coffee & Dessert will be provided. Providers, faculty, staff, and students are invited to bring their lunches to the Starbucks Conference Rooms (2nd floor, Cancer Hospital Starbucks) at the UNC Medical Center.