The Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute is seeking participants for the maternity care experiences and infant side-car bassinet survey. Please share your thoughts and share this research opportunity widely! (L) image courtesy of Nadia Samperio, Photographer.
4th Trimester Project 2016 Engagement Meeting on YouTube
Patient partners and stakeholders gathered for 4th Trimester Project Unmet Health Needs Engagement Meeting, held in Chapel Hill, NC on March 23, 2016. Watch presentations from stakeholders on our YouTube channel.
4th Trimester Project poster
The 4th Trimester Project team recently presented this poster, which provides an overview of the issues currently being discussed among the stakeholders.
4th Trimester Project featured in Every Woman Southeast newsletter
The 4th Trimester Project is featured in the September 2016 Every Woman Southeast newsletter
What is the 4th Trimester Project?
In the 12 weeks following delivery, a woman must recover from childbirth, adapt to changing hormones, and learn to feed and care for her newborn. During this “4th Trimester,” many women experience considerable challenges, including fatigue, pain, breastfeeding difficulties, depression, lack of sexual desire and incontinence. Amid these concerns, postpartum care is often fragmented among… Read More →